Residential Appraising in a Declining Market
APB Valuation Advisory #3: Residential Appraising in a Declining Market
The Appraisal Foundation is pleased to announce that the Appraisal Practices Board (APB) has adopted “APB Valuation Advisory #3: Residential Appraising in a Declining Market.” The APB is an independent Board of The Appraisal Foundation, which is responsible for developing voluntary guidance on recognized valuation methods and techniques.
APB Valuation Advisory #3: Residential Appraising in a Declining Market, includes guidance on:
- How Should an Appraiser Define a Declining Market?
- What Databases are Available to Support a Market Trend Conclusion?
- What are Some Alternative Value Definitions?
- Defining a Market vs. a Neighborhood
- Verification of Data
- Support for Adjustments
- Integration of the Opinion of Market Trends into the Appraisal Analysis
- Using Statistical Tools to Develop a Rate of Change in the Market
To view a copy of the APB Valuation Advisory #3: Residential Appraising in a Declining Market please visit the following link on the Foundation web site:
Questions? Please contact Staci Steward, Practices Administrator, at 202.624.3052.

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