House Bill 651 Another Win for Appraisers!

Another Win for Appraisers - House Bill 651 Appraisal Bd. Recordkeeping & Bkgrd. Checks.

House Bill 651: Appraisal Board Recordkeeping and Background Checks

Raleigh, NC – Today Rep. Jon Hardister (R-Guilford) passed House Bill HB 651 – Appraisal Board Recordkeeping and Background Checks – which provides regulatory relief for the real estate appraisal industry.

House Bill 651 eliminates the discovery rule for civil action related to real estate appraisals and establishes a five year statute of limitations, which puts North Carolina in line with the United States Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. This will reduce insurance and compliance costs for real estate appraisers, many of which are small businesses and independent contractors.

The bill would also eliminate the necessity for real estate appraisers to submit a separate background check to each AMC they work for. Instead, real estate appraisers would be able to cycle a single up-to-date background check to each Appraisal Management Company (AMC). This would streamline the background check process and reduce costs on those who work in the industry.

“This bill provides regulatory relief for small businesses,”

Hardister said.

“It is a good, bipartisan bill that makes sensible changes to laws regulating the real estate appraisal industry. This bill will reduce costs on small businesses and independent contractors across the state.

Hardister expressed thanks to his primary co-sponsors of the bill; Rep. John Szoka (R-Cumberland) and Rep. Brian Turner (D-Buncombe). He also noted that the bill passed with strong bipartisan votes in both the House and Senate chambers.

“It is great to see a comprehensive regulatory reform bill receive strong bipartisan support,” Hardister said. “I am honored to be the lead sponsor of this bill.”

The bill was supported by the North Carolina Real Estate Appraisers Association and the North Carolina Chapter of the Appraisal Institute.


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2 Responses

  1. bubba jay bubba jay says:



  2. My fellow bloggers and “BT”, please copy and repost on any or all articles where you have seen me post about REVAA. Thank you! REVAA has asked for a correction and if neither Coester (the AMC) nor Mr. Coester, the appraiser / owner are members of REVAA, I would not want to erroneously convey the impression that they are. Additionally please note any other clarifications in Mr. Schiffman’s email to me.Thank you.
    [Ford email response to REVAA 08/14/15]
    Hello Mr. Schiffman:

    Thank you for your recent email. I always strive for accuracy in anything I post and if there is an error in the recent blog post in which REVAA was recently mentioned, I am perhaps among the first wanting to insure that it is corrected, second only to yourselves. Certainly neither I, nor any organization I am affiliated with would want to ever harm another organization or company’s reputation unjustly.

    I am attempting to post a copy of your email corrections on the site where the original post took place; the link to the article I was citing from and the paragraph that lead to the confusion over the relationships of Coester; REVAA and NHVA’s interrelated relationship.

    Is it primarily the reference that Coester is/was a member of REVAA that you believe could cause harm to your reputation, or other aspects of the article? Your email referenced only the  ‘one correction’ which you yourselves have clarified and which I will endeavor to have posted as requested. If there are others areas of concern please do not hesitate to let me know.

    I also agree that win-win solutions are always the best and reflect my own personal goals as well as the organizations that I am a member of; otherwise, I would not be a member there.

    Mike Ford
    California General Certified Real Estate Appraiser,
    SCREA, AGA, GAA, RAA, Realtor®

    Received via email 08/12/2015
    Good afternoon Mr. Ford, I hope you are well.  

    One correction for your article below – Mr. Coester is not a member of REVAA and never has been. REVAA is absolutely not involved in any way with his lawsuit in Virginia or any other state. Nor is REVAA involved any legal action of its own. Further, we don’t intend to in the foreseeable future. The organization involved with Mr. Coester is the National Home Valuation Alliance, which is led by Don Kelly and Jim Brodsky (Weiner, Kider, Brodsky).  Both of these gentlemen have past affiliation with REVAA but not in this manner. 

    Please remove REVAA from your post below as soon as possible – it is not accurate and damaging to our reputation. We are a trade organization representing AMC related issues and work very closely with the appraisal organizations such as Appraisal Institute, National Appraisal Congress. We are members of AARO – the trade association for appraisal regulatory officers and the National Association of Appraisers. We work hard to build positive relationships between regulators, AMCs and appraisers.   Furthermore, in regard to membership dues, we have two levels – one at $75,000 as reported but we also have a level at $15,000 to encourage broader involvement from smaller AMCs.

    We believe our efforts are best served working together, with appraisers and policymakers, to create a fair and balanced regulatory system.
    I am happy to talk further. 

    Thank you,
    Mark A. Schiffman 
    Executive Director 
    Real Estate Valuation Advocacy Association (REVAA) 
    (612) 716-1812

    [Mike Ford] The entire original post that generated my posts can be found at the following link:

    Facing License Denial, Coester Sues Virginia Board

    The referenced section that lead to comments concerning REVAA is quoted below.

    “Who is Behind the Lawsuit
    The law firm representing Coester in this case is Weiner, Brodsky, Sidman, Kider PC (Brodsky firm). This is the same law firm used by the veteran AMC advocacy group the Real Estate Valuation Advocacy Alliance (REVAA), in past legal filings throughout several states, and the one also picked to represent a new AMC coalition, the National Home Valuation Alliance (NHVA). NHVA appears to be led by former REVAA Executive Director Don Kelly.

    In a possible sign of things to come, the very first goal and agenda item NHVA lists on its website is, “to leverage collective resources to affect helpful (rather than harmful) change through multiple targeted initiatives, including litigation.”

    Information on NHVA’s website echoes certain of Coester’s arguments, including the concern that state appraisal boards are violating antitrust laws. NHVA’s stated goal is to “vigorously represent the interests of its Members in the home valuation arena before the federal government and state agencies.”

    In the PowerPoint presentation from NHVA’s Initial Meeting, found on the group’s website, one slide lists “Key Issues/Opportunities” for the organization, which include:
    1. State Appraiser Fee Survey Policies and Requirements
    2. Customary and Reasonable Appraiser Fee Requirements
    3. Timely Payment of Appraiser Fee Requirements
    4. State Appraisal Board Antitrust Concerns
    5. AMC Representation on State Boards
    6. Required AMC Minimum Quality Control Requirements
    7. Appraisal Subcommittee AMC Fee Structures

    Note that four of the seven items seem to relate to fees, suggesting that the NHVA is deeply concerned about appraiser fees. It looks like appraisers will have a fight on their hands going forward.

    NHVA is representing itself as the advocacy organization for smaller to mid-size AMCs. REVAA charges $75,000 annually for membership and representation. NHVA dues are a more modest $995 a month. NHVA’s stated goal is 30 charter members and says that it sees the over 350 AMCs operating nationwide as potential prospects.”

    [Ford 08/14/15]

    Readers are directed to REVAAs clarification comments and should draw their own conclusions based on factual data presented.


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House Bill 651 Another Win for Appraisers!

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min