Uniform Appraisal Dataset Tutorial

Freddie Mac’s Uniform Appraisal Dataset tutorial introduces appraisers to the requirements and instructions for appraisal reports in accordance with the new Uniform Appraisal Dataset, or UAD. The UAD is part of a larger effort by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to implement uniform appraisal and other loan delivery standards, which is being undertaken at the direction of their regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency. This webinar shows how to enter appraisal data in the prescribed format, how to report the condition, quality and improvements of a property, and what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac expect appraisers to provide on an appraisal report in order for it comply with the UAD.

Click here for the flash tutorial or here for the PDF tutorial. For additional information go to Fannie Mae UAD or Freddie Mac UAD.

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4 Responses

  1. Avatar Jim says:

    iPad does not support Flash. Is there a YouTube tutorial of this?

    • AppraisersBlogs Team AppraisersBlogs Team says:

      No I don’t think there is. There are a few flash enabled browsers for Ipad though you may want to try: Ibitfire and SkyFire. I personally have not used any of these apps.

  2. Avatar DeWaine Duncan says:

    Thank you for posting the Dataset information.
    While I agree there should be some changes to the terminology. I find it kinda silly they want us to rate homes we have never set foot in. How am I going to rate the condition, or quality of a comparable from C1 to C6 and Q1 to Q6, by simply talking to a REALTOR (although it can be done). I guess I am just tired of the appraiser fading all the heat for bad loans. They want to crack down on us, while there is legislation in several states to allow Realtors to do BPO’s for some loans…Crazy mixed up world we live in.


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Uniform Appraisal Dataset Tutorial

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: <1 min