Tagged: social media

Race Never Considered... Emerging Narrative of Appraisers Being Racists 75

Appraisers Don’t Use Race

Appraisers don’t use race… Race is NEVER considered during a valuation Last week in a congressional hearing on the future of the appraisal profession, some research was used to suggest appraisers are showing racial bias and essentially undervaluing black neighborhoods. I was not expecting the conversation to go that way during the hearing and I’ll admit I’m deeply concerned about the emerging narrative of appraisers being racists… In the congressional hearing a panelist talked about a study that shows black neighborhoods are devalued by $48,000 compared to otherwise similar white neighborhoods. That’s alarming and society needs to have some serious...

Why Haven't State Licensing Boards Audited AMCs? 22

Should AMCs Be Audited?

Why haven’t State Licensing Boards audited AMCs? Things went a bit crazy, but in a very good way! Monday April 29th, VaCAP launched a consumer protection campaign on WRVA 1140 AM News Radio. Our email and social media accounts were non stop. Many of our sister Coalitions in The Network of State Coalitions helped spread the word and shared our Press Release with their members, posted on their websites and on their social media pages. A huge thank you to all our Sister Coalitions for helping us spread the word. In case you missed all the excitement, here is the...

Is SmartExchange a Problem & Resulting in USPAP Non-Compliance? 27

Is SmartExchange Not USPAP-Compliant?

Is Smartexchange Resulting in USPAP Non-Compliance? This blog is likely going to stir up controversy. It is likely going to have a few folks calling me a loyalist to a la mode, or other similar things. Am I a loyalist? I do not see myself as such, but a la mode has been the only software that I have used in my career for residential form reporting. I do use ACI in the corporate setting as a reviewer and manager in my firm. I like and consider many of the staff at a la mode to be my friends, and I have had long relationships...

What Are You Waiting For? Only 179 Comments...Please Comment Now! 13

What Are You Waiting For?

Please comment now! VaCAP sent out a “Call to Action” a month ago to comment on the proposed increase in the appraisal threshold to $400,000. As of this writing, only 179 comments have been received. This is our future, please comment now! Comments must be received by February 5, 2019. The proposed rule would increase the threshold level at or below which appraisals would not be required for residential real estate-related transactions from $250,000 to $400,000.Consistent with the requirement for other transactions that fall below applicable thresholds, regulated institutions would be required to obtain an evaluation of the real property...

See Something, Say Something - Engage in a Campaign to Expose Lies 6

See Something, Say Something

…engage in a brief healthy debate with the other side to expose the falsities being spread… Anyone wanna play the “what if” game with me? Ok fine… I’ll be the dreamer and you tell me the reality of it. Here we go…. What if… all of us independent appraisers, since we are the only ones with a voice for the industry, were to actively engage in a campaign to call out real estate and mortgage marketing propaganda across the internet as and when we see it, which should be several times a day. The internet is riddled with lies that...

Ditech, You Are Out of Here... Appraiser Whistleblowers Stepping Forward 3

You Are Out of Here…

The New York Stock Exchange has removed Ditech Holdings from trading due to their share value and volume of shares. According to a HousingWire article, Ditech shares are less than $1.00. It’s been a swift fall in the stock price department for Ditech. When the company emerged from bankruptcy, it began trading under a new symbol, “DHCP.” See the article here. Please watch your receivables. The market is slowing and there is chatter about late payments from several amcs and lenders in social media appraisal groups. Save the Date: The VaCAP conference will be held February 7-8th in Northern Virginia!  More...

Stand Your Ground in Protecting Your Business! 43

Stand Your Ground!

Many states have laws in place that allow citizens to protect themselves and their property without prosecution. In the appraisal profession, you must also stand your ground to protect their business. Social Media is a quick and easy way to communicate. Recently there have been numerous appraisers reaching out and sharing trouble getting paid from some Appraisal Management Companies. Some are claiming they are long time clients with no issues in the past. This is wake up call for all appraisers to pay attention to the economic and financial side of your business. Volume is slowing as school starts and the...

Appraisal-Free Race to the Bottom Home Loans - Risky Business 16

PIW’s Get National Attention

…“a race to the bottom” between the two companies in pushing for more appraisal-free loans Ken Harney, a friend of the appraisal community has written an article about Fannie and Freddie waiving appraisals. The article will be seen by consumers throughout the country. VaCAP encourages everyone reading this to share Ken’s article on all your social media outlets, your websites, blogs, etc.  See the article here. For homeowners and buyers, appraisal-free loans have offered an unexpected windfall: relief from having to pay between $400 and $600 for the service… Fannie’s and Freddie’s no-appraisal option has been popular with lenders… The...

Appraisers Ditching a la mode After News of Corelogic's Acquisition 216

Appraisers Ditch a la mode

In 2015, Dave Biggers of a la mode stated: I’ll wrap up by wishing you a happy new year, in spite of all the recent fear mongering, and by thanking you for supporting us with your business. I’m confident that in 2015 you’ll see even more reasons for that loyalty, especially in terms of us continuing in our long-standing role as the independent appraiser’s staunchest advocate, and in being the most innovative, reliable, and accessible technology provider. We look forward to working with — and for — all of you this year. Time and time again, we were assured that...

Solidifi on Notice... AMC System Is Further Degrading Itself 62

Appraisers Pushing Back!

Solidifi has taken the disrespect to another level… Appraisers Pushing Back Against AMC Bad Behavior! Appraisers have finally had enough of bad behavior by AMCs. VaCAP received the following email from an appraiser, who by the way is not located in Virginia. VaCAP spoke to the author concerning the email and found out a few more details. First, the author does not do residential work as they are a Certified General nor do they work for AMCs and are not on any AMC roster. Somehow, this nonresidential appraiser received this email from Solidifi. VaCAP commends our colleague for stepping up...

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