Tagged: green energy


Guidance on Valuing Green Buildings

Appraisal Institute Issues Guidance on Valuing Green Buildings When valuing green buildings, real estate appraisers’ analysis must be supported by market data on the subject property that helps explain why it stands out from its conventional peers, according to guidance issued today by the Appraisal Institute and the Institute for Market Transformation. Seeking to assist owners who retrofit an existing building or build a new one with energy-efficient features, the two organizations issued “Green Building and Property Value A Primer For Building Owners and Developers.” “As owners and developers enhance buildings with energy-efficient features, appraisers can help make the case...


Valuing Energy Efficiency in Appraisal and Underwriting

We thought there would be some association between energy efficiency and mortgage risk… In March, a joint study by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for Community Capital and the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) found that owners of ENERGY STAR-rated homes are one-third less likely to default on a mortgage than the average borrower. Home Energy Efficiency and Mortgage Risks used a sample of 71,000 home loans from 38 states and the District of Columbia, all derived from CoreLogic’s mortgage database. The sample was restricted to single-family, owner-occupied houses whose loans originated during 2002–2012 and were used...

Appraisal Institute Releases Enhanced ‘Green’ Addendum 2

AI Releases Enhanced ‘Green’ Addendum

The Appraisal Institute released on March 7 an updated version of its Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum. The form is designed to assist in the valuation of energy-efficient home features, and it remains the first of its kind specifically intended for appraisers’ use. AI originally issued its green addendum in September 2011 as an optional form to Fannie Mae Form 1004, which is the valuation profession’s most widely used form for mortgage lending purposes. The addendum allows appraisers to identify and describe a home’s green features, from solar panels to energy-saving appliances. Form 1004 devotes limited attention to energy-efficient features,...

Appraisal Institute Releases Enhanced ‘Green’ Addendum 0

What is the Value of ‘Green’?

An academic study released last year found that homes with green labels provide a market premium of 9 percent compared to similar homes without the labels. The study, “The Value of Green Labels in the California Housing Market,” examined how green and energy efficient features impacted the sale price of homes in California. It was published by Nils Kok, Maastricht University, Netherlands/University of California, Berkeley; and Matthew E. Kahn, University of California, Los Angeles. The study also found: The premium associated with green labels is highest in areas with hotter climate. The premium is positively correlated to the environmental ideology...


Appraisal Institute New Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum

On September 29th, the Appraisal Institute released a form intended to help analyze values of energy-efficient home features. It is the first of its kind intended for appraisers’ use. The industry leader in green valuation, the Appraisal Institute issued the form as an optional addendum to Fannie Mae Form 1004, the appraisal industry’s most widely used form for mortgage lending purposes. Used by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing Administration, Form 1004 is completed by appraisers to uphold safe and sound lending. Currently, the contributory value of a home’s green features is rarely part of the equation. “This...

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