Tagged: cash flow

Skeptics, traditional, vocational or advanced appraiser. What kind are you? 31

What Kind of Appraiser Are You?

Skeptical skeptics are a rare breed. But growing in number… Different appraisers have different attitudes! Some have a lot of experience, others a lot of education. Others emphasize the ‘art’, while others consider themselves ‘quants’. Let’s put aside the ‘art’ versus ‘science’ discussion, where the artists say: “No computer will ever replace the appraiser”, or “No amount of education will ever replace experience”. The other side seems a bit confused. There are traditionalists. And there are the “advanced” appraisers. And there are the “vocational” appraisers, who don’t seem to care much about all of this. They just want to push through as many reports as possible. The skeptics tend to doubt...

Slow Pay AMCs and Ponzi Scheme Payment Process 143

Slow Pay AMCs

Slow pay reputation AMCs and Ponzi scheme payment process… Folks, Through several of the ‘media sources’ I read recently, I’ve learned that “a particular AMC” based on the west coast has a slow pay reputation. As so often happens with low echelon AMCs with few clients, when business slows down, their payment process becomes a Ponzi scheme. Ultimately they go out of business. I currently have an outstanding report with that AMC, but the payment due date to me is March 7. So I’m respectfully withholding their name publicly from others, until and unless they don’t pay me on time....

Disciplinary Action Against Two AMCs in Virginia 17

Two AMCs Disciplined in VA

Disciplinary action against 2 AMCs for late payment & operating without license You just have to shake your head at what they try to pull off! At the February 14th Virginia Real Estate Appraisers Board Meeting, Independent Settlement Services and Landmark Network were each disciplined for violations of Virginia AMC Regulations. Independent Settlement Services was disciplined for not disclosing prior disciplinary action in North Carolina. North Carolina audited them and found only 75 times out of 579 appraisals, they paid appraisers within 30 days as required by North Carolina law. The state of Nebraska also fined Independent Settlement Services for...

Changes for Illinois AMCs and Appraisers 1

Changes for Illinois AMCs and Appraisers

One hundred eighty days flew by in an instant. When the AMC Administrative Rules were launched on March 4, 2013 we were in the infancy of AMC registration. Here we are, six months later and we’re nearing 140 registrants. That’s more than 20 per month. I expect by year’s end we’ll have 180 registrants or more. This is an important newsletter issue to keep. There are a lot of burning questions that need to be answered in one place so that everyone understands what is expected. What Happens Next? August 30, 2013 is the last day in which existing AMCs...

Forecasting Your Appraisal Business 0

Forecasting Your Appraisal Business

Improving your financial management through cash flow forecasting Memorize this statement: “Cash flow is the lifeblood of all businesses.  Without cash flow your business will die.” I stress this statement often when I talk to appraisers during conferences, meetings, and webinars. Why? Because you are a small business owner first… and an appraiser second! Appraisers do a remarkable job and take great pride in their appraisal work. I recommend that you also take this attitude and approach towards your appraisal business, particularly your cash flow. What Is Cash Flow Forecasting? Cash flow forecasting is defined as planning what cash will come into the business in...

Appraisal businesses risk 2

Greatest Risk Facing Appraisal Businesses

Greatest risk: low fees or low cash flow? A Recent Report From Texas There has been a lot of buzz about the recent survey from Texas. The Texas Appraisers and Appraisal Management Company Survey published by Texas A&M Real Estate Center in conjunction with the University of Houston’s Hobby Center for Public Policy and the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago reports the current condition of the appraisal industry in the state of Texas. 1,584 appraisers and 55 Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) doing business in Texas were surveyed and findings from the report were released to the public...

Collecting invoices from problematic clients 9

Collecting Invoices from Problematic Clients

Chasing unpaid invoices… Recently, I have been receiving numerous emails and phone calls from appraisers asking if they can factor appraisal orders from JVI Solutions with our company. Appraisers from Hawaii and California to Texas and New Jersey have grown tired of the runaround and are looking for ways to get paid on the work they have done. Unfortunately, because of non-payments and the unknown status of the Florida-based appraisal management company, whether a larger Fortune 500 company is acquiring it or going bankrupt, our company has currently placed a hold on factoring any JVI Solutions orders until we receive...

Collecting your money 0

Importance of Collecting Your Money from Clients

Getting clients to pay up… On April 27, 2011, H.B. No. 1146 also known as “AMC Bill” was passed in the state of Texas. Through successful efforts of the Foundation of Appraisers Coalition of Texas (FACT), its members, and many more this bill requires the registration and regulation of appraisal management companies doing business in Texas. The following is a link to H.B. No. 1146. Some highlights of the bill include appraisal review, competency of appraisers, and statement of fees. Though all are important, one particular highlight of interest is outlined under Sec. 1104.157 titled “Compensation of Appraisers.” Compensation of Appraisers This...

Small business cash crunch 0

Small Business Cash Crunch

Appraisers & their frustration with cash flow… I recently attended the Association of Texas Appraisers (ATA) Mid-Year Meeting in New Braunfels, TX. I met many wonderful ATA members and the meeting was well organized.  Much of the meeting consisted of discussions on Texas Appraiser Licensing Certification Board (TALCB) commission activities, technology tools for appraisers, and USPAP. Since the topic of cash management rarely is presented in any appraisal meeting or event (but it should), I took the time during the networking sessions to learn more about the financial successes, struggles, and conditions of appraisers and their businesses. Some appraisers shared they are...

Factoring your cash flow 3

Where Is My Money? Factoring Your Cash Flow

Factoring is the solution! Appraisers have shared a common concern with me when I visit with them and learn more about their businesses  – “When am I going to get paid?”  Many tell me that on average they do not collect their fees for 45 to 60 days. You have financial obligations to meet: payroll, taxes, travel expenses, etc. Cash flow delays can cause great stress for you and your appraisal business. You must understand and be aware of the importance of cash. Cash is the lifeblood of any business and without it your business will fail. One of the main challenges...

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