Tagged: Appraiser Qualifications Board


Reminder to States regarding changes effective July 1, 2013

As a reminder to State Appraiser Regulatory Officials, effective July 1, 2013, the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) will formally incorporate new requirements into its State Compliance Review process.  As required by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of2010 (Dodd-Frank Act) amendments to Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (Title XI), and in accordance with Bulletin No. 2011-01 issued by the ASC on March 18, 2011, the ASC will formally incorporate the following requirements into the State Compliance Review process beginning July 1, 2013: Reciprocity:  In order for a State’s appraisers to...


AQB Releases December 2012 Q&As

TJ’s Rant… Almost all of the questions deal with Supervisor – Trainee issues that will change in 2015. If like me, you believe it is difficult enough to find people to become appraisers today, just wait until you read all of the new requirements. I don’t understand where the AQB is coming from with all these new requirements. Do they really believe that someone will want to go to college (at an average cost of about $120,000) to get a degree and then become a Certified Residential appraiser who would be lucky to make $20,000 for their first few years...


Appraisal Practices Board: A Free Resource for Appraisers

The genesis of the Appraisal Practices Board was the collapse of the housing market in 2008… Congressional Hearing Provides Opportunity to Clarify Purpose – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 29, 2012. Washington, DC – The Appraisal Foundation (TAF), a non-profit education organization dedicated to professional valuation, testified yesterday before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity. The hearing, entitled Appraisal Oversight: The Regulatory Impact on Consumers and Businesses, focused on the Appraiser Regulatory System in place today and whether there is need for modifications or improvement of this system. One issue discussed...


Challenges Facing State Appraisal Boards

My testimony today will focus on issues that are particularly relevant to state regulatory officials. Challenges Facing State Appraisal Boards Enforcement States established appraiser licensing and certification programs as a result of the Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) of 1989. These agencies issue appraiser licenses and certifications to those individuals who possess the education and experience requirements promulgated by the Appraiser Qualifications Board of The Appraisal Foundation. The agencies also oversee compliance by appraisers with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), state law and agency rules. These programs have been set up in a variety...


TAF Response RE Gag Rule

TAF Response to Columbia Institute eVIP Appraisal News April 6, 2012, Mr. George Harrison, The Columbia Institute Dear Mr. Harrison: This is regarding an item that appeared in the “Ask George” column in the April 2 edition of eVIP Appraisal News. The question and answer relates to Appraisal Sponsors of The Appraisal Foundation apparently being under some type of constraint regarding freedom of expression. You have made a similar claim in a previous column and we thought that it was time to correct the record. You state that “The Appraisal Foundation has a restriction clause – gag rule – in its...

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