Tagged: a la mode


Appraisal Advisor Ceases Operations

It’s with deep sadness that I’m informing you that Appraisal Advisor (www.AppraisalAdvisor.com) is ceasing operations on February 1st. We began with a simple goal of providing transparency to the industry regarding client quality, and tools for appraisers to collect from non-paying clients. The transparency benefited all parties: appraisers, good AMC clients, lenders, and regulators. Unfortunately, the lifeblood of Appraisal Advisor – appraisers submitting client reviews – fell prey to the age-old “80/20” rule. Over 79% of our many thousands of ASC-verified appraiser members submitted zero reviews, while only 3% submitted more than 5 reviews. That was far below what we...


“Appraisal Quality Control” White Paper

“Appraisal Quality Control” White Paper Released From Collaborative Industry Effort Naples, FL — In preparation for the January 14th, 2014 CFPB effective date, a la mode announced today the release of a multidisciplinary white paper entitled “Appraisal Quality Control: Best Practices for accuracy, efficiency, and compliance.” The recommendations and checklists are a collaborative result from three companies with direct experience in the processing of high volumes of appraisal transactions. a la mode’s Mercury Network team provided insight from experience as the software providers for over 500 of the nation’s lenders and AMCs and the technology backbone behind over 30,000 appraisaldeliveries...


New management takes the helm at a la mode

January 05, 2012 – Oklahoma City, OK — a la mode announced today that its founder and sole shareholder, Dave Biggers, is retiring from the company’s day-to-day management, and that a new CEO and Executive Chairman team will be running the company. Scott Kinnaird, formerly the company’s CEO, has moved up to Chairman of the Executive Committee. Jay Shafer, the company’s previous CIO, has been promoted to the CEO position. Mr. Biggers will remain as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. “For the better part of the past decade, I’ve gradually removed myself from the day-to-day management of the...


New Data Courier with XML File Upload via SmartBrowser

DataCourier is built into WinTOTAL and TOTAL to help appraisers securely deliver MISMO XML report files to their clients. The new DataCourier equipped with SmartBrowser now allows appraisers to securely transmit XML and PDF files to any client via secure e-mail or their web portal. It also lets save XML and PDF files directly to PC for delivery via portable storage or archive purposes. 3 ways to send XML and PDF report files: Send XML and PDF via secure e-mail Upload XML and PDF to a website Save XML and PDF to computer Watch this 3 minute video with step...

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UAD Reader to Manage XML Appraisal Files

Free UAD Reader to Manage XML Appraisal Files UAD (Uniform Appraisal Dataset) is the appraisal format designed and required by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and adopted by FHA and VA. All GSE-destined appraisals as of September 1st, 2011 must be in strict UAD format. FHA and VA have announced they will both require UAD after January 1st, 2012. How do you open and read an appraisal file in the newly required “UAD” MISMO 2.6 XML format? a la mode UAD Reader is a free tool that lets anyone work with any appraisal in the new UAD MISMO 2.6 XML...

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UAD Tutorial for WinTOTAL or TOTAL

Step by Step UAD Tutorial for WinTOTAL or TOTAL With the UAD deadline coming up on Thursday, a la mode recently released a 40 minute video tutorial showing step by step instructions for each UAD fields. In an effort to enhance appraisal data quality and consistency and to promote the collection of electronic appraisal data, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Government Sponsored Enterprises or GSEs) have developed the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD). The UAD modifies 4 of the industry standard appraisal reporting forms: the URAR, the Individual Condominium Unit Report, the Exterior Only Residential Inspection Report and the Exterior Only...


a la mode Releases UAD Recorded Webinar

a la mode recently released a recorded video of the live “Intro to UAD” webinar. This hour long video includes: Part 1: Intro to UAD Part 2: What is the UMDP? Part 3: UAD Overview Part 4: UAD FAQ’s Part 5: Examples of Common Inconsistencies Part 6: UAD Rules Part 7: Using UAD in the software

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How to Create a UAD Format Report & UAD Sample URAR

Where is the new UAD format report? Lately, we have been receiving a lot of emails from appraisers confused about WinTOTAL and TOTAL 2011’s Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD). Many think that they need to download a specific file, even though their software is up to date. “Where is the new UAD?”, we’ve been asked! So we prepared a short video tutorial explaining how to create URAR report in UAD format in WinTOTAL. You just need to make sure your software is up to date. Watch the video below:   T.J. McCarthy has made his “Sample URAR in UAD Format” available...


TOTAL 2011 vs. WinTOTAL Aurora

How is TOTAL 2011 different from WinTOTAL Aurora? In this webinar you will find the differences between these two versions. Each serve different purposes. TOTAL 2011 was designed with ease of use in mind while WinTOTAL was designed with a lot more features. When deciding which software to go with, make your choice based on the features you need. For example only WinTOTAL Aurora has comparables and photos databases, auto-adjuster, billings/accounts receivable and custom financial reports among other features. Rentals and listings in side-by-side view, undo, redo, find and replace feature, as well as text overflow options are among some...


a la mode Releases UAD Compliance to the Appraisers

a la mode, maker of the appraisal industry’s most popular formfilling software, last week released an update to its WinTOTAL Aurora software that includes compliance features with the government sponsored enterprises’ (GSEs) Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD). The UAD is part of the Uniform Mortgage Data Program (UMDP), requiring a standardized dataset from all appraisers contributing to the GSEs’ loan portfolio. With this update, WinTOTAL Aurora joins a la mode’s TOTAL 2011 as the only publicly available appraisal formfillers currently able to comply with the UAD guidelines. WinTOTAL Aurora touts new UAD-specific features like in-line form popups, in-field guidance and real-time...

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