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We’re Moving Our Subscription Service!

We are moving our subscription service from Google to a new service since Google FeedBurner is deprecating its email subscription beginning July 2021. Unfortunately, the new service does not allow us to import our subscribers from a third-party service such as FeedBurner. This is done to avoid spammers from abusing their system. If you want to continue receiving email notifications from us when new articles are published, you will need to subscribe below.

Starting July 1, 2021, you will no longer be receiving email notifications from our old subscription service, Google FeedBurner.


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6 Responses

  1. Avatar Advocate says:

    Thank you for continuing this great blog!

  2. Avatar John M Pratt says:

    This is a great forum. I put on meeting of appraiser in this area each month in an effort for appraisers to help appraisers. We can all learn from our peers. Keep an open mind, none of us know it all. Ask questions, provide your opinions and thoughts and welcome the responses. You might learn something that you never thought of. Stay engaged with your peers and we all can become better appraisers.

  3. Just subscribed; that’s a bummer that you can’t transfer them over.

    Also, I highly highly recommend upgrading this site to SSL. Without SSL some browsers automatically block access and the site will perform worse in terms of SEO. Also, no SSL increases the chances of getting hacked.

  4. Just subscribed! Thanks


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