Category: Automated Valuation Models

Alternative valuation products 1

Alternative Valuation Products & USPAP

Alternative Valuation Products and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice The Appraisal Foundation has drafted a white paper on Alternative Valuation Products and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The white paper is intended to provide information to assist appraisers, users of appraisal services, and others, with a greater understanding of Alternative Valuation Products and their use in the marketplace. The paper also attempts to view these products in light of an appraiser’s USPAP obligations. All interested parties are encouraged to comment in writing before the deadline of December 31, 2013. Send comments to TA… Introduction In...

USPAP Issue 2

My Main USPAP Issue – Letter to ASB

My Main USPAP Issue – Statement Letter to the ASB The purpose of USPAP is to promote and maintain a high level of public trust in establishing requirements for appraisals and “reliable” valuations. The problems is, however, that it is subjective. Assuming one can support the conclusion or opinion; beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or in this case, the appraiser. Likewise, evaluation and selection is in the eye of the appraiser – which is why two different and reasonable and competent appraisers can reach two different, but equally credible opinions, on the same property. And that is...

FNMA 2075 a ticking time bomb 1

2075 FNMA Form a Ticking Time Bomb?

Is Fannie Mae Form 2075 a ticking time bomb for Appraiser? Fannie Mae Form 2075 (aka the “Desktop Underwriter Property Inspection Report”) seems innocuous enough when you pick it up and look at it. After all, it’s only a single page with just one-half page of instructions. It allegedly applies only to low risk loans and the form has been around and in use for a long time. The instructions even clearly state it “is not an appraisal report”. The instructions go on to say this report may be used without an estimate of fair market value of the property...

NCRC Statement on CFPB Appraisal Rules 0

NCRC Statement on CFPB Appraisal Rules

Washington, DC Jan 18, 2013 – Today, in reaction to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) release of new appraisal rules, NCRC President and CEO John Taylor made the following statement: “The CFPB’s new appraisal rules promote transparency and fairness for consumers. In a step that NCRC has long called for, all consumers will now receive copies of appraisals and automated valuation model (AVM) reports and will be able to check them for errors. Further, consumers and industry alike will benefit from the use of responsible valuation professionals in high cost loan origination. We are very pleased that the CFPB...

Appraisal USPAP Definition 0

Is That an Appraisal? USPAP Definition

Why Isn’t that an Appraisal? APPRAISAL: (noun) the act or process of developing an opinion of value; an opinion of value. (adjective) of or pertaining to appraising and related functions such as appraisal practice or appraisal services. Comment: An appraisal must be numerically expressed as a specific amount, as a range of numbers, or as a relationship (e.g., not more than, not less than) to a previous value opinion or numerical benchmark (e.g., assessed value, collateral value). In general terms the USPAP definition is elegant in its simplicity. We all understand what it is that appraisers provide. You provide opinions...

REVAA FAIR appraisal fees 18

REVAA and FAIR Approach for Appraisal Fees

REVAA and FAIR Call for Market-Driven Approach for Appraisal Fees Washington, DC (PRWEB) July 14, 2011, Donald Kelly, executive director, Real Estate Valuation Advocacy Association (REVAA), appeared today before the House Financial Services Committee, Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing, and Community Opportunity to testify on behalf of REVAA and the Coalition to Facilitate Appraisal Integrity Reform (FAIR) on Mortgage Origination: The Impact of Recent Changes on Homeowners and Businesses. The testimony comes just prior to the Federal Reserve Board transitioning its rulemaking authority to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Members of REVAA and FAIR advocate that the Federal Reserve Board,...


Regulators Should Take Actions to Strengthen Appraisal Oversight

Fed Report Scrutinizes Appraisal Processes The Government Accountability Office released a report June 28 that scrutinized real estate valuations in the wake of the recent mortgage crisis. The report, Residential Appraisals — Regulators Should Take Actions to Strengthen Appraisal Oversight, was produced using data from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and five of the biggest mortgage lenders. The report revealed that valuations received through broker price opinions and automated valuation models take less time and are less costly than traditional appraisal reports, but traditional appraisal reports are still mandated for almost all first-lien residential loan originations due to their greater reliability....

Statement of Frank Gregoire (NAR) Before Appraisal Oversight Hearing 3

Statement of Frank Gregoire (NAR) Before Appraisal Oversight Hearing

NAR believes that lenders should be prohibited from retaining the services of an AMC where the lender maintains any level of ownership. Frank Gregoire‘s written testimony to the United States House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity before the Appraisal Oversight Hearing … APPRAISAL ISSUES AND CHALLENGES There are a myriad of circumstances and issues working to hinder the recovery of the nation’s housing market. Among them, and often overlooked, are those related to the credible valuation of real property. A credible valuation provided by a licensed or certified professional 1) ensures the...


Challenges Facing State Appraisal Boards

My testimony today will focus on issues that are particularly relevant to state regulatory officials. Challenges Facing State Appraisal Boards Enforcement States established appraiser licensing and certification programs as a result of the Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) of 1989. These agencies issue appraiser licenses and certifications to those individuals who possess the education and experience requirements promulgated by the Appraiser Qualifications Board of The Appraisal Foundation. The agencies also oversee compliance by appraisers with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), state law and agency rules. These programs have been set up in a variety...

Appraisal Institute members in Capitol Hill 2

Members of AI Urge Congressional Action on 3 Bills

Nearly one hundred members of the Appraisal Institute went to Capitol Hill May 23 to urge Congress to act on three bills that could significantly impact the valuation profession. Attendees of AI’s annual Leadership Development and Advisory Council, held May 22-24 in Washington, D.C., lobbied lawmakers and their staffs on S. 3047, the Expanding Homeowners Refinancing Act; H.B. 3461/S. 2160, the Financial Institutions Examination Fairness and Reform Act; and S. 3085, the Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act of 2012. S. 3047 builds on President Obama’s proposal — announced during his 2012 State of the Union address — that home loans not...

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