Category: Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals

Housing Bubble, FTC vs LREAB Update & Antitrust Immunity Bill 6

Housing Bubble, FTC & Antitrust Immunity

Is the Housing Bubble About to Burst? Subpoenas Have Been Issued; A Stay Has Been Granted; The Case is Moving Forward The FTC vs LREAB case has had numerous articles floating around.  Some information that is being stated is inaccurate, some embellished, some truthful. The official case log contains everything from the initial complaint to the Judge’s rulings. Take a look at some of the subpoenas issued and who is filing motions to quash them…. What do these AMC’s have to hide? Click here for the official case log. Wow, Just Wow! “S.1649 – A bill to help States combat abuse...

Appraisal Report Going Public: Appraisals Posted on the Internet or MLS 11

Appraisal Report in MLS Listings

Your Appraisal Report Attached to a MLS Listing…. Private prelisting appraisals are a good revenue stream for many appraisers. Do your clients understand the intended use and intended users? Do you, the appraiser, understand the intended use and the intended users? We often get complacent and assume everyone understands, and then the unthinkable happens; you find your appraisal report attached to a MLS listing or worse, attached as a photo on Zillow. Yes, this actually is happening! On recent MLS listings, the following statements were found: “Offers accepted until… Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any/all offers –...

Fee Survey....Survey Says! Appraisal Fee Increases & 2017 Surveys 19

Fee Survey…. Survey Says!

Fee Survey Results & Fee Increase…. Appraisers have certainly been hearing a lot of negativity lately and we finally have some good news to share. The Veterans Administration has completed its fee survey. This is good news as the VA now considers $525 as the normal fee for non-complex properties in Virginia. This equates to a 16.5% increase from the previous fee of $450. To see the new fee schedule for Virginia, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland and West Virginia, please click here or see table below. The fees become effective 09/01/2017. Greetings, The purpose of this communication is to...

Fake Foreclosures Listed on Zillow - StopZillow - AppraisersBlogs 14

Zillow Fake Floreclosures

Zillow Lists "Fake Foreclosures"… We have all heard the term "Fake News" by now… We now have "Fake Foreclosures" According to a local TV station in the Grand Rapids Michigan area, Zillow is falsely posting homes were foreclosed on, when they were not. Are these posting an honest mistake? Or are they a planned maneuver to overtake the Real Estate Industry. Regardless of the answer, the owners of the property have been harmed and Zillow should be held accountable. See the story here or watch Target 8 investigation below. In Virginia, foreclosure and title transfers are public record. This information is available...

North Carolina in FTC's Crosshairs Over C&R Appraisal Fees 12

FTC Sends Warning to NC Over C&R Fees

North Carolina in the FTC’s crosshairs… VaCAP learned that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a warning to North Carolina over HB-829 mandating Customary and Reasonable Fees. This is the second time in the last couple of months that the FTC is accusing a state of violating antitrust laws over Customary and Reasonable fees. An article titled “FTC Warns NC Appraisal Fee Bill Could Break Antitrust Law” was published on Law360 on July 6, 2017. See excerpts of the article below. To see North Carolina Bill H-829, click here or see below. So what can be done? Contact The FTC with...

Zillow, The First "Agent Management Company" (AMC) for the Real Estate Agent 16

The First AMC for Agents

Zillow, The First "Agent Management Company" (AMC) for the Real Estate Agent Brokers and Agents, welcome to the appraisal world. Zillow is the first "Agent Management Company" (AMC) for your side of the Real Estate Industry. Yes you read that correctly. Zillow’s actions have many similarities to Appraisal Management Companies, so it is fair to say, they are the first "Agent Management Company" “Zillow is hurting the people you are licensed to protect” Doesn’t that sound very familiar to what appraisers have been saying about Appraisal Management Companies?  On the website, Greg Hague, a Real Estate Attorney, Broker and...

Fee Charged by the AMC Must Be Paid by the Lender 78

Lender Must Pay AMC Fee Proposal!

Appraisal fee charged to consumer must not include AMC fee This is huge. The New Jersey Department of Banking is proposing to change the current regulations of mortgage lenders. The change will require the maximum fee charged to the borrower for appraisal services is no more than the actual fee the appraiser is paid. In other words, any fee charged by the AMC must be paid by the lender. We all need to support New Jersey in this action. This is about Consumer Protection! Please note this did not initiate from appraisers, this came from the New Jersey Department of...

HousingWire Blasted by Appraisers: Sorry, HousingWire, You're Wrong 7

Sorry, HousingWire, You’re Wrong

Appraisers Blasted HousingWire… Last Week HousingWire published an article about the appraiser shortage. The author did not source appraisers for factual information and relied on the propaganda being fed by Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs). “At the current pace, appraisals can kill deals and even give cash buyers an added advantage, according to Urban Institute’s report. Some argue, there are not enough appraisers to meet the rising homebuyer demand as they struggle to fill out long or even redundant forms. Appraisers themselves often comment on HousingWire message boards and say there is no shortage; Quality appraisers are just unwilling to make,...

Staff Appraisers, Monopolies, Labor Shortages 6

Staff Appraisers, Monopolies, Labor Shortages…

The issue of staff appraisers at AMCs and more…. Kilts, Labor Shortages, High Performance Homes, Monopolies, Politics, Surveys and a new direction for VaCAP… all within the last 24 hours! Yesterday was the 2017 Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals (VaCAP) Annual Conference, while we discussed our mission, accomplishments and goals, we voted unanimously to change our by-laws to allow our continued growth. Moving forward our processes will be streamlined and we will be offering educational opportunities for our members. We discussed current issues in Louisiana with the FTC and how the outcome will impact the industry throughout the country, monopolistic...

SettlementOne Valuation & Dart Appraisal Disciplined by VREAB 32

Virginia is NOT Playing Around!

Two AMCs Disciplined by VREAB… At the May 16, 2017, Virginia Real Estate Appraisers Board Meeting two AMC’s were disciplined by the Board. SettlementOne Valuation Corporation was disciplined in Mississippi, Illinois and Pennsylvania, all for unlicensed activity within those states. SettlementOne was required to report the disciplinary action to Virginia within 30 days, which they did not. The Virginia Real Estate Appraisers Board imposed a $2,500 monetary penalty for these violations of the Boards Regulations. Dart Appraisal was disciplined in Minnesota for providing an estimate of value on the engagement letter to the appraiser. Dart Appraisal was required to report...

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