Author: Guest Author

Hybrids' Indicated Value & USPAP Coup de Grace, Better off at McDonalds 29

I’d Be Better off at McDonalds

…they provide no documentation as to how their algorithm produces this indicated value… I had to “jump in the pool” and see what these bifurcated appraisals are all about. The names have been withheld to protect the guilty. I recently completed a “bifurcated” report for one of the AMC’s providing this type of service. The form is to be completed on their site and they recently upgraded to the “new and improved” report on their portal as of January 1, 2019. The subject is sited in an urban location and while not an anomaly per se, does display features such...

Is SmartExchange a Problem & Resulting in USPAP Non-Compliance? 27

Is SmartExchange Not USPAP-Compliant?

Is Smartexchange Resulting in USPAP Non-Compliance? This blog is likely going to stir up controversy. It is likely going to have a few folks calling me a loyalist to a la mode, or other similar things. Am I a loyalist? I do not see myself as such, but a la mode has been the only software that I have used in my career for residential form reporting. I do use ACI in the corporate setting as a reviewer and manager in my firm. I like and consider many of the staff at a la mode to be my friends, and I have had long relationships...

Experienced and New: A Review of Appraiserfest 2018 - Appraisers Blogs 7

Experienced and New

Experienced and New: A Review of Appraiserfest 2018 By Tom Horn, SRA and Woody Fincham, SRA, AI-RRS, RAA Member of RAC A Newbie Conference Attendee’s Take on Appraiserfest 2018 Tom Horn, SRA I just got back from the first ever Appraiserfest conference, held in San Antonio, Texas, and while it is fresh on my mind I thought I would share my thoughts. This is my first national appraisal conference to attend and I have to say it did not disappoint. I have been an appraiser for quite a while but have never been interested in spending my money or time to attend...

See Something, Say Something - Engage in a Campaign to Expose Lies 6

See Something, Say Something

…engage in a brief healthy debate with the other side to expose the falsities being spread… Anyone wanna play the “what if” game with me? Ok fine… I’ll be the dreamer and you tell me the reality of it. Here we go…. What if… all of us independent appraisers, since we are the only ones with a voice for the industry, were to actively engage in a campaign to call out real estate and mortgage marketing propaganda across the internet as and when we see it, which should be several times a day. The internet is riddled with lies that...

Independent Appraisers Task Force to Overcome the Number Game 12

Independent Appraisers Task Force

Create a task force of only independent appraisers… Appraisers are a minority in the real estate/lending world and tasked as the gatekeepers of mortgage transactions to protect everyone in the transaction from their immediate rapacity. Of the 40 some thousand residential appraisers I have no idea of the exact division of field appraisers to reviewers. I’m guessing that maybe it’s divided in half, or say a third which are reviewers and then there’s probably another third or so that are newer licensed appraisers. So now we have around 20,000 or so Certified Appraisers that are in the field and are...

Human Real Estate Appraisers Unnecessary? - Appraisers Blogs 80

Human Real Estate Appraisers Unnecessary?

“Real estate appraisers will not exist in the future.” – Reasons Behind Matt Rider’s Projection and Why He’s Wrong Technology in real estate is advancing to a point where any user can “pull up a property’s data together” and create an appraisal. This is the main point raised by Franklin American Mortgage’s Chief Information Officer Matt Rider in his interview with National Mortgage News. He claimed that as a result, real estate appraisers wouldn’t exist in the future. See interview here. Rider’s projection seems to be based on society’s increasing dependence on Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI). According to...

Using SmartExchange? You May Have Violated State Law & USPAP 30

The Possibly Just Became Reality!

Using SmartExchange? You May Have Violated State Law & USPAP I will not drag this out. I will simply be direct and to the point. IF YOU OPTED IN TO ALAMODE’S SMART EXCHANGE, YOU MAY HAVE JUST VIOLATED STATE LAW AND USPAP ON EVERY APPRAISAL YOU HAVE EVER COMPLETED. Let me repeat that so it sinks in a bit… If you opted in to alamode’s Smart Exchange, you may have violated State Law and USPAP on every appraisal you have ever completed. Now that it has sunk in, let me explain. Each state statute may define an appraisal differently. Some...

Clarification for the Term assists Regarding Hybrid Appraisals 10

Who ‘assists’ in Hybrid Appraisals

the appraiser shall identify any person who "assists" in the appraisal process… NCREAA recently submitted a letter to the North Carolina Appraisal Board regarding hybrid / desktop appraisal products. As a result of this letter, which highlights concerns raised by NC Appraisers, NCAB is forming an ad hoc committee to clarify, define and provide guidance on these hybrid / desktop products with respect to current North Carolina Appraisal Laws. Read the letter below: The North Carolina Real Estate Appraiser Association (NCREAA) has recently received requests/inquiries from our members regarding guidance on assignments for “hybrid/interior desktop” appraisals requests they have recently...

Smart Exchange Not So Smart - Is Smart Exchange Really a Smart Idea? 65

Is Smart Exchange Really a Smart Idea?

Alamode recently launched Smart Exchange to its users. The idea is appraisers can see what others have stated as property characteristics and transfer that information directly into your report. The system is based on mutual sharing, so if you participate, you will share all your comparable data with everyone else that is using Smart Exchange and you can see their data. The last update from alamode installed the programming and changed the way the side by side screen looks. Now I must make a disclaimer here, I am in the over 50 category and my kids are all grown. It...

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…. The Balance Between Art and Science 2

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions….

Each and every day we make decisions. Sometimes we base our decisions on sound, unbiased information, other times we may base our decisions on no information what so ever and are solely based on our opinions and perception. Right or wrong, we make a decision. Appraisers utilize sound unbiased information as well as our opinions and perceptions to complete appraisals. Markets are always changing and often historical data only represents just that, historical information. Historical data does not consider what is happening currently or what has been proposed for the future; both of which play an important role in how the...

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