Author: Guest Author

Majority of Reviewers Had Very Limited Field Experience 22

Majority of Reviewers Had Very Limited Field Experience

It was my experience that the majority of reviewers, FNMA included, had very limited field experience. Which is painfully obvious when they request baseless revisions for “more or better comps”.  I’m a Certified General Appraiser that started appraising in 1984, almost 40 years ago! Spent the majority of my career appraising both residential and commercial properties in a major metropolitan market. I had my own appraisal firm for a number of years, prior to the AMC model which dissolved years of relationship building with clients large and small, almost overnight! Like most of you, I really enjoyed appraising and was...

It’s a Great Time to Leave the Appraisal Profession 189

Leaving the Appraisal Profession

It’s a Great Time to Leave the Appraisal Profession. I can hear the chorus of my fellow appraisers rising up in disagreement with me. I envision many of them screaming, “But I love being an appraiser”! Yeah, I hear you. I loved being an appraiser too. Let’s not consider what we were but what they want us to become. First, ask yourself if you are still making a livable wage. I’m not and instead of blaming myself, I started running the numbers. In, my high value market, 18% of the solds were cash sales. No appraisal required on those! Values...

Appraisal Bias - A Counterpoint 14

Appraisal Bias – A Counterpoint

It is a fact that 85% of appraisers are white with the majority of them being middle-age white men, although that is rapidly changing. The bias argument presupposes they are inherently more biased than women, Hispanic, African American, Asian, Pacific-islander, etc. We simply don’t have enough data to verify whether this is true or not. Therefore, as the argument goes, white appraisers must be biased. Just as there are more black NFL players in professional football it follows that the majority of touchdowns will be scored and fumbles made by a black player. We can, and should, encourage more diversity...

PAREA Program & Its Negative Impact on Diversity 16

PAREA Program & Its Negative Impact on Diversity

The study also found that the PAREA program is not as effective in providing a more accessible pathway to licensure as the traditional apprenticeship model.  Practical Applications of Real Estate Appraisal (PAREA) is a program that aims to revolutionize the real estate industry by increasing the number of appraisers. However, after listening to the Appraisal Institute speaker at yesterdays board meeting it quickly became evident that this initiative is a complete failure. You cannot start PAREA until you have received all your real estate appraisal education. 94 hours = $1,700 per McKissock Appraisal Institute speaker said that most AMC’s/banks won’t...

Fighting for Consumer Protection and the Appraisal Industry 34

Fighting for Consumer Protection & the Appraisal Industry

I’m just an Average Joe, surrounded by some really smart people, and we are fighting back. I often wonder if Certified General, MAI or SRA appraisers sitting in their ivory towers often chuckle to themselves and say HA, data collectors will never impact commercial. Who cares about the residential appraiser. Well, it looks like it’s time for you all to care. Copied from a Real Estate Forum Post: “Good morning, My name is Kevin Graham, and I am with Beacon Property Data Collection Services. You had recently signed up to become a panel member and we have an assignment for...

Has Fannie Mae Gotten Too Big to Control? 28

Has FNMA Gotten Too Big to Control?

Has Fannie Mae gotten too big to control? That was one of the many questions asked to Senators & Congressman while in Washington DC. The agreement on whether Fannie Mae has gotten too big to control was unanimous. Most believe that the company is too large and complex to be effectively managed by the government. They argue that Fannie Mae is too big to fail, and that if it were to collapse, it would have a devastating impact on the housing market. Others believe that Fannie Mae is sorta manageable, and that the government has taken steps to reduce the...

Disparate Treatment and Impact 10

Disparate Treatment and Impact in USPAP

USPAP has introduced the terms DISPARATE TREATMENT AND IMPACT in its 5th exposure draft. Disparate treatment and impact are bad for appraisers because they can damage the reputation of the profession, lead to legal and regulatory action, and negatively impact the success and viability of individual appraisers and their businesses. Disparate treatment occurs when an appraiser treats individuals or groups differently based on their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics. This type of discrimination is illegal and can result in legal and regulatory action, as well as damage to the appraiser’s reputation and business. Disparate impact occurs when...

We Need a Lobbyist to Protect the Public Interest 207

We Need a Lobbyist

Who is going to organize raising the funds and hiring the lobbyist? We are woefully behind the curve here. Myself and many others were organized in the early 1990s and managed to protect the appraisers’ interests for the most part at that time. Here in 2023, there does not appear to be any meaningful response other than the same old anecdotal war stories we pass along among ourselves. Yes, past markets crashed due to really bad mortgage products/underwriting, and banks failed due to really bad management decisions to go along with those mortgage schemes, but if Uncle Sam is going...

CoreLogic Policy Change Counter to USPAP Requirements 12

CoreLogic Policy Change Counter to USPAP Requirements

CoreLogic is pleased to announce a change to its data retention policy. I received this notice from CoreLogic: Effective April 1, 2023, CoreLogic’s maximum storage commitment for appraisal and title data will be limited to 5 years. NOTICE OF CHANGE TO CORELOGIC DATA RETENTION POLICYDear Trusted Provider, In careful consideration of requests from our clients as well as industry risk management best practices, CoreLogic is pleased to announce a change to its data retention policy. Effective April 1, 2023, CoreLogic’s maximum storage commitment for appraisal and title data will be limited to 5 years. This change applies to all existing...

Your Trade Has Been Under Assault for Years 5

Your Trade Has Been Under Assault for Years!

Your trade has been under assault for years. The de minimus rule was the first I sensed of the end of your trade. I am going off of vague memory but I think it was 1997, and at the time, the near majority of my town was below the $250,000 threshold, as were 90% of the towns adjacent. I remember an old horse telling me the handwriting was on the wall for him and his kind. As I reflect on it there have been repeated efforts to pare down the costs of borrowing by trimming fees for title and other...

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