Author: AppraisersBlogs

Appraiser Complaint Forms 0

AI Advocates for Issue-Specific Appraiser Complaint Forms

The Appraisal Institute and the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers jointly sent a letter Feb. 28 to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Credit Union Administration and the Comptroller of the Currency expressing concern about the broad reach of a proposed Interagency Appraisal Complaint form. The agencies intend to provide a copy of the form to individual complainants, who, in turn, will return to the agency for information gathering and potential referral. In its letter, AI and ASFMRA expressed concern that the proposed form may not be the most effective approach and instead recommended complaint forms...

URAR pandoras box 0

URAR Form Ambiguities and Liabilities

Revisiting The Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac 2005 URAR Form Ambiguities and Liabilities It has been eight years since the URAR form was revised. From 2005 to mid-2008, the real estate market experienced a boom and a bust the likes of which we have never seen before, and we are finally seeing a slow recovery. Also during this period, the economic recession and poor lending practices lead to new regulations in both the appraisal and banking industries. Based on the new regulations, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac mandated appraisers to add more information to the URAR form. As of March 2009, the Market Conditions...


Free FHA Webinar on FHA Appraisal Frequently Asked Questions

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a webinar on March 20, 2013 on FHA Appraisal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): March 20, 2013: – Webinar: This FREE Webinar training will provide clarification to current Underwriting Hot Topics, Insuring/Eligibility Issues and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in today’s FHA lending environment. Topics covered will include: FHA Updates including most recent


BPC Report: Eliminate GSEs, Rethink Appraisal Processes

A Bipartisan Policy Center report released Feb. 25 primarily focused on reducing the government’s role in the nation’s housing finance system, but it also proposed changes to current appraisal policy. Appraisal-specific recommendations contained within the 136-page report, titled “Housing America’s Future: New Directions for National Policy,” focused on banning the use of distressed home sales as comparables by appraisers, a practice the BPC said was helping to depress local home values and impacting buyers’ ability to secure financing. The report suggested that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing Administration should refuse to accept distressed sales as valid comps,...

Age of Appraisers - Aging Appraiser 7

The Aging Appraiser

Questions dealing with age and retirement… There is a lot of apprehension in the appraisal industry regarding from where the next generation of appraisers will come. There are not a lot of new people entering the profession at this time. To try to get a better idea of appraiser demographics, we asked a couple of questions dealing with age and retirement. First, we asked, “What is your age range?” This was a very popular poll with a near record of 6,885 responses. No big surprise that the most popular answer was 51-60 with 33% of the vote. This was followed...


ASB Releases Exposure Drafts for AO-13 & AO-21

The Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) has issued the following exposure drafts: Exposure Draft of Proposed Changes to ADVISORY OPINION 13 (AO-13), Performing Evaluations of Real Property Collateral to Conform with USPAP Rationale: The prior version of Advisory Opinion 13 included not only advice related to USPAP, but also some interpretations of the Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines.  The Interagency Work Group has suggested, and the ASB agrees, that AO-13 should focus on the application of USPAP and avoid interpretation of the guidelines. When  an  individual  is  acting  as  an  appraiser,  USPAP  applies. The  proposed  replacement Advisory Opinion 13 illustrates that under...

ASC letter RE Launch of the 1

ASC Letter RE Launch of the Hotline

ASC Letter to State Appraiser Regulatory Officials Announcing the Launch of the Appraisal Complaint National Hotline To State Appraiser Regulatory Officials The Appraisal Complaint National Hotline (Hotline) will begin operation no later than March 29, 2013. The Hotline will refer complainants to appropriate State and/or Federal agencies to handle complaints of alleged violations of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and/or appraisal independence requirements. The Hotline will direct complainants to contact you to formally file their complaint using the existing protocols established by your State. The Hotline does not initiate complaints, act on behalf of complainants, arbitrate complaints,...

NAHB Recommends Reform of Residential Appraisal System 2

NAHB Recommends Reform of Residential Appraisal System

February 20, 2013 – Serious problems in the residential appraisal process must be addressed in order to restore confidence in the residential real estate market and to establish a foundation for sustainable growth of the U.S. economy, according to a new white paper from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Appraisals are regulated by the states, so standards and requirements vary greatly, resulting in a system that is inconsistent, confusing and does not serve consumers well. The white paper, “Comprehensive Blueprint for Residential Appraisal Reform,” addresses these problems. It is the work of an Appraisal Working Group formed by...

ASC letter RE Launch of the 0

Appraisal Hotline Operations Details

Appraisal Institute Wants Details on Appraisal Hotline Operations The Appraisal Institute and the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers jointly sent a letter Feb. 12 to the Appraisal Subcommittee asking that it make its proposed protocol for operating the “appraisal hotline” available for public comment prior to its March 29 implementation. In the letter, AI and ASFMRA said that while the concept of a hotline is sound, there exists almost no understanding among state appraiser regulatory officials, practicing appraisers and real estate and mortgage professionals as to how the hotline would function or even of its intended purpose....

Rules making difficult to become a state certified appraiser 5

How to Make a Profession Disappear

…You can see how difficult to become a state certified appraiser. We are fairly near the end of the continuing education cycle for appraisers in my home state of Pennsylvania. Among other topics, I’ve been presenting changes to laws and regulations, which include the new Appraisal Qualifications Board (AQB) standards that go into effect in January 2015. You can find the regulations here. The overwhelming response from existing appraisers is: “Do they just want to make us go away?” The new requirements will include a bachelor’s degree, as well as — in most states — 2,000 hours of experience under...

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