DaVinci for Android is here!

DaVinci for Android is here and you can dowload it now for free in the Android Market. Anyone with a Smartphone or tablet with Android 2.1 or later can download it.

Click here to go to the DaVinci download page in the  Android Market. Click here to download the WinTOTAL update from the labs page. This will allow for file syncing between WinTOTAL and your device.

With DaVinci for Android you can:

  1. Fill out an entire 1004 from the field by simply tapping on the screen, or use Android’s “talk-to-type” feature to fill out the report using your voice
  2. Create QuickLists within DaVinci or sync them over from WinTOTAL Aurora or TOTAL
  3. Sync files started in WinTOTAL or TOTAL right to your Android phone or tablet, or begin a new report on site
  4. Add photos of the subject and comps, or anything you need to document, using your Android device’s built-in camera
  5. Take audio or text notes that save into your WinTOTAL Digital Workfile
  6. Send the entire file back to your office to flow into your reports in WinTOTAL or TOTAL

Watch the the video below to see it in action on an HTC Inspire 4G phone

Click here to see it running on a Motorola Xoom tablet.

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1 Response

  1. Avatar McZero says:

    Just downloaded the app. I will post an update as soon as I’ve tested it.


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DaVinci for Android is here!

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min