Gordon Cowden Children’s Fund

Morning Appraisers,

I am writing to you in sadness, but yet, with hope. One of the victims in the Aurora theater killings was Gordon Cowden, a fellow appraiser. He was taking his two teenage daughters to the movie and he was gunned down. REAA has opened a memorial fund to help his family. Along with the natural grief and pain, they are facing the possibility of losing their home. On our home page of www.reaa.org is a donate button that takes credit cards and pay pal accounts. We are in the process of fine tuning the page withmore information on the Cowden family, more family pictures and input from the Cowden family.

While we need to take a moment for all the victims, Gordon was in the appraiser family. It would be nice if we came together for a good cause.

If you have any questions regarding this fund, please contact Vicki Keeler 916-988-9442.

Thank you,

Bill McKnight

~ Source Real Estate Appraisers Association (REAA) a non-profit appraiser’s organization with 4 chapters in California

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Gordon Cowden Children’s Fund

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min