Deadbeat AMCs – FBI Wants to Know

We are passing along this message from Dave Towne:

“Ivor Hill has been working with the FBI. Today (1/24/13) the FBI collected all the files he had for JVI and appraisers that are owed money.”

“He has asked to ask everyone, and that they ask everyone they know, to spread word that if anyone is owed money from ES Appraisal or any other AMC that went out of business without paying for appraisals to please contact him.  He is putting together information directly for FBI investigations.”

Please tell your friends to contact Ivor at:

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Dave Towne
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Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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3 Responses

  1. Avatar Azalea Appraisal says:

    Well it’s about time that the FBI did something for appraisers!

  2. Avatar Steve Koshiol says:

    JVI owes me $1785 for appraisals completed in Jan. 2012 thru Mar. 2012. JVI was purchased by ISGN in June of 2012. Has anyone had any success in recovering money owed? If so, what avenue(s) were taken?

  3. Avatar Bubba Sparrx says:

    Luckily this Appraisal Firm never did any appraisals  for ES , JVI, etc.  Any appraisers who have invoices due will be very fortunate to get 10%  for the balance owed.


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Deadbeat AMCs – FBI Wants to Know

by Dave Towne time to read: <1 min