Davinci for Android coming soon

Davinci for Android is a field data gathering and sketching tool for appraisers running on Google’s Android operating system (OS). Some of the features in Android which may not necessarily be available in other platforms are:

  1. Talk-to-type in any field: Android has a “voice input” button on the keyboard which will allow appraisers to use thir voice to enter data into fields. Appraisers can fill the entire inspection using voice input.
  2. Free turn-by-turn voice activated navigation provided within the OS: Turn-by-turn voice navigation is provided within the Android OS at no additional charge.  Appraisers can use it as a GPS to get to each comparable property.

Watch the video demonstrating Davicinci for Android

More info can be found at alamode labs

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Davinci for Android coming soon

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min