ASC “Refer My Appraisal Complaint” Website

ASC “Refer My Appraisal Complaint” Website is Up and Running

The ASC’s new Refer My Appraisal Complaint website and hotline are up and running.  Here is the link to the website:

I would suggest you all take a second and read this site’s Homepage direction to consumers and maybe you will understand why the Federal Government is so deeply in debt. This is a silly attempt by the ASC to project an image of consumer protection when in essence it is nothing more than a buck passing platform to the appropriate State Licensing Agency.  It even goes so far as to tell you all the great things the site could have done for consumers but doesn’t, such as:

The Hotline will not:

  • Initiate complaints
  • Act on your behalf
  • Arbitrate
  • Assist in appealing the outcome of complaints
  • Follow up on referrals previously provided

By TJ McCarthy, SRA, IFA of TJ McCarthy & Associates

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ICAP Board
ICAP Board

ICAP Board

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ASC “Refer My Appraisal Complaint” Website

by ICAP Board time to read: 1 min