Ann O’Rourke Launches Appraisal Today Blog

Appraisal Today Blog

Ann O’Rourke, MAI, SRA, MBA, Appraiser and Publisher of Appraisal Today newsletter, recently launched the Appraisal Today Blog. In an email to her subscribers, she writes:

I have been wanting a place where readers can post comments for quite a while.  Several years ago I tried using wordpress. But, my newsletter web site and wordpress were hosted on a shared server with my ISP, and I had lots of problems – hundreds of spams, very slow connection, etc. So I gave up until now and use to host my blog.

WordPress is not easy but is very flexible, and knowing basic html really helps. Fortunately, when I started using web browsers back in the “stone age” of the late 1990s, I took a class and learned basic html. I will never forget my reaction to seeing a few sentences I wrote being published on the class web site!!


Soon after, I started using an HTML editor, similar to a word processor, to use on my web site. But, I still remember some of the basic word processing HTML coding, and can easily modify existing coding. I make way too many errors to be a decent coder, but I do know how it works.

Her blog has excerpts from her FREE appraiser email newsletter, sent out almost every week since June, 1992. Click here to subscribe to her free Appraiser email newsletter and here to visit her blog.

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Ann O’Rourke Launches Appraisal Today Blog

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min