Appraisal Thresholds Bordello

Appraisal Thresholds Raised $500K. How Long Before Its Raised for SFR?

Anyone wants to place a wager on how long before appraisal thresholds are raised for SFR?

Retirement, with a part-time job working as a bouncer at a bordello in the Nevada desert is beginning to look appealing. Activity there is similar to what appraisers are experiencing these days.

From the article:

“The FDIC board of directors today (Mar. 20, 2018) approved a final rule to raise the appraisal thresholds for commercial real estate transactions from $250,000 to $500,000…”

While the individual 1-4 unit investment properties are being kept at $250,000, would anyone like to place a wager on how long it will be before the appraisal thresholds for SFR is raised to $400,000 or above, and not just for ‘rural’ properties only?

In other news, here’s an interesting twist on family dynamics!

In short, if you are going to have a family business, treat family fairly, and per the agreement you agree to.

The story is from this link.


Court affirms son owes dad $40K in appraisal fees
A dispute between a Howard County father and son who operated a real estate appraisal business was rightly decided by the trial court, which found the son owed his father more than $40,000 in past-due appraisal fees…

An accountant found that father Kent was owed more than $28,000 in appraisal fees that had been collected from May 2011-December 2013. Subsequently, Kent received smaller and smaller payments for the appraisals he did until he finally terminated the business relationship in June 2015. He sued his son the following February, and the trial court found Mark owed his father $40,623.55…

Both still have active licenses.

Property ‘taking’ issue before US Supreme Court again

Those of you who like to follow the US Supreme Court proceedings relating to real estate issues (takings clause – 5th Amendment to the US Constitution) may want to peruse this article, and look at.

This case involves a local jurisdiction (in Pennsylvania) who decreed private property must be opened to public access during the day. The property owner is contesting that decision.

This case, and the eventual decision, may have the effect to modify other Supreme Court decisions about ‘takings’ that have happened across the US.

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Dave Towne
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Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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12 Responses

  1. Avatar Jack Of All Trades says:

    You’ll make more money and be more respectable as Bouncer in a Nevada Bordello in the Nevada desert than being a residential appraiser. 

  2. Avatar Chris says:

    Sad what has been allowed to happen to us !!! I really hope there is a hell !!!

  3. Avatar Fritz Vogel CREA,CRS,CEI,GRI NY Cert. Appraiser 26+yrs says:

    Lenders can now party on, as usual. I’m sure the “Shortage of Appraisers” helped.

  4. Avatar E J B says:

    How are these banks going to figure out how much they can loan on a refinance home loan without an appraisal ? I think my 200k home just went to 399k. I might be looking for a reverse mortgage. I do know a 96yr old appraiser.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      You missed the boat. Thresh holds for reverse borrowing were recently reduced, and fees got higher. Many rushed the system last year to get in before changes. Sure your 200k jumped to 400k, and the value of the dollar also decreased by half. Rampant inflation comes next. The only winners are those whom no longer participate in the debt scheme industry. You should rent it out for profit instead most likely, or sell and downsize. Not 4 inch high downsize mind you, something more sensible… Or if the property is acceptable, lots of new options like airbnb dealies and temporary rental income, flatmates, etc. No easy answers unless you own the property completely. Good news today, refi volumes look to be decreasing sharply soon. Mental note; never buy acreage with a graveyard…

      • Avatar E J B says:

        It’s owned free & clear but its rural and our kids say they don’t want it as they were brought up as city slickers an still live urban. I’ve been the landlord route and don’t care to get into that anymore. With the price of housing today I don’t think it would be affordable to sell and try to downsize. What would I do with all my shit.

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          Your grandkids will want it, city life is failing fast. Pass through inheritance and deed to grandkids with irrevocable trust and pro management through term? We’re past the point of no return and exponentialized populace growth is here. In only 2 generations or less what we know as open spaces will be far less than we know now. The value of self sustainability will eventually give all 1 acre+ lots a mighty appeal boost, probably 20 to 30 years down the line. Sub lease a spot to a tiny home… That’s a new and very real thing gaining popularity.

  5. Avatar Fritz Vogel CREA,CRS,CEI,GRI NY Cert. Appraiser 26+yrs says:

    Lenders already have a “Figured out” amount to loan, it’s what the borrower can afford to pay….simple. It’s all PREDETERMINED before we get an order. Borrower happy, lender happy, everybody’s happy, UNTIL the payments stop rolling in to who ever the lender sells the note to. And then, who really care’s, there is less than a 2% default rate even on the worst loans, just a cost of doing biz. If 2% of all MTG. loans went into default the world would not stop!

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Hey, I’ve got an old meme for that….. LOL. I think 2% is not accurate, nor can we effectively measure that way any more, in this pump and dump setting. Cumulatively, the figures are much much higher.


  6. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    Great article. Appraisers can learn a thing or two from the students who recently marched for their lives across the country. Watch and see if they don’t have an impact on our gun laws. Appraisers had the same opportunity to put an end to HVCC (the genesis of what you now endure) shortly after it was enacted. Many of us advocated a boycott of AMC work, cripple the industry, attract national news coverage, and force change. The vast majority preferred to keep taking the work and are now witnessing what is essentially a slow form of genocide.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      So you’re saying we should be willingly conned by special interests, relinquishing god granted rights that protect us from the very tyranny we would pray to avoid? You could learn a thing or two about fake news. It’s illegal for the teachers to have participated, and the majority of participators were not even students. Education time for you young lad. Much like the anti gunners, appraisers do willingly acquiesce to the propaganda, unwittingly relinquishing their own liberties and career futures. On that we likely agree.

  7. While the bordello customers (Bankers for example) want to pay the bordello employees (appraisers) the same as they were getting in 1990; REAL bordello professionals know the value of their time and expertise.

    My bet is its much higher than 1990 service fees. Then again, that profession’s been around a lot longer than we have…and no college degree required.


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Appraisal Thresholds Bordello

by Dave Towne time to read: 1 min