Category: ATA

Appraisal news for real estate appraisers and real estate professionals regarding Association of Association of Texas Appraisers (ATA). News relating to the Appraisal Industry.

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Small Business Cash Crunch

Appraisers & their frustration with cash flow… I recently attended the Association of Texas Appraisers (ATA) Mid-Year Meeting in New Braunfels, TX. I met many wonderful ATA members and the meeting was well organized.  Much of the meeting consisted of discussions on Texas Appraiser Licensing Certification Board (TALCB) commission activities, technology tools for appraisers, and USPAP. Since the topic of cash management rarely is presented in any appraisal meeting or event (but it should), I took the time during the networking sessions to learn more about the financial successes, struggles, and conditions of appraisers and their businesses. Some appraisers shared they are...

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