Tagged: The Appraisal Practices Board


TAF Response RE Gag Rule

TAF Response to Columbia Institute eVIP Appraisal News April 6, 2012, Mr. George Harrison, The Columbia Institute Dear Mr. Harrison: This is regarding an item that appeared in the “Ask George” column in the April 2 edition of eVIP Appraisal News. The question and answer relates to Appraisal Sponsors of The Appraisal Foundation apparently being under some type of constraint regarding freedom of expression. You have made a similar claim in a previous column and we thought that it was time to correct the record. You state that “The Appraisal Foundation has a restriction clause – gag rule – in its...


Exposure Draft: Adjusting Comparable Sales for Seller Concessions

The best way for valuation professionals and the public to make a difference in their profession is to offer comments to the Boards of The Appraisal Foundation when exposure drafts are released for comment. The Appraisal Practices Board (APB) has recently released its first Exposure Draft entitled Adjusting Comparable Sales for Seller Concessions. All interested parties are encouraged to comment in writing to the APB before the comment deadline of December 2, 2011. Written comments on this Exposure Draft can be submitted by mail, email and facsimile: Mail: Appraisal Practices Board The Appraisal Foundation 1155 15th Street NW, Suite 1111...

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