Tagged: Paperwork Reduction Act

Appraisal Threshold on Commercial Loans May Change 4

Commercial Appraisal De Minimis Proposal

Proposal To Increase The Appraisal Threshold On Commercial Real Estate Loans The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s Joint Report to Congress said the federal banking agencies are developing a proposal to increase the threshold for requiring an appraisal on commercial real estate loans from $250,000 to $400,000. The report did not propose changes to the current residential real estate threshold of $250,000. In addition, the agencies recognize that appraisals can provide protection to consumers by helping to assure the residential purchaser that the value of the property supports the mortgage amount assumed. Overall, the agencies believe that the interests of...

Appraiser Shortage Myth Used to Raise De Minimis Value 43

Appraiser Shortage Myth Used to Raise De Minimis Value

Appraisers, I know everyone is busy right now, but this cannot wait. This may be the most important blog post affecting appraisers this year. I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that if something is not done, it really COULD lead to the end of ALL residential appraisers for federally regulated transactions under $500,001. FFIEC under the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act (EGRPRA), is considering raising the de minimis lending level from $250,000 to $500,000, because the local community banks are complaining that they cannot find enough appraisers in rural America to handle the volume! If...

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