Solidifi Wants Insight into your Vacation Time, Treating Vendors Like CattleIf AMCs weren’t invasive enough already on appraisers personal lives with overly-frequent status calls and other well-documented and demeaning requests, how about vacation time? In addition to the 37-page boilerplate order request the appraiser is required to read, appraisers now have to fill out another form.

The fact that Solidifi and their competitors are in business to fee out to the lowest bidder makes this request silly because appraisers don’t have that kind of relationship with AMCs. It goes like this. They send out an appraisal request to 10+ appraisers and one of them is on vacation and therefore doesn’t respond. Who cares? In my view, a business that treats its vendors like cattle, can’t call it a professional relationship. In fact, there IS NO RELATIONSHIP. The appraiser as the local market expert is really only a widget to them. AMCs can’t expect to have it both ways. If appraisers weren’t bombarded with paperwork and dogged by phone calls from a 19-year-old chewing gum already then this would not be an issue.
Solidifi vacation survey

opinion piece disclaimer
Jonathan Miller
Image credit flickr - Cory Doctorow
Jonathan Miller

Jonathan Miller

Jonathan Miller is President and CEO of Miller Samuel Inc., a real estate appraisal and consulting firm he co-founded in 1986. He is a state-certified real estate appraiser in New York and Connecticut, performing court testimony as an expert witness in various local, state and federal courts.

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36 Responses

  1. Raechel Stickney on Facebook Raechel Stickney on Facebook says:

    It doesn’t even matter if you tell them in advance that you are going to be gone! I was on vacation last month, I got married and was on my honeymoon and was still getting order requests, revision requests, etc. I even had an extra week that I took at the beginning of my vacation where I was home so that I could fix any issues if they arose, but of course they had to wait until I was “out of office”. They have no boundaries!

    • Michelle Murphy on Facebook Michelle Murphy on Facebook says:

      Raechel Stickney I won’t work for those companies it used to happen to me all the time! Oh and they would try to get my office assistant to revise the reports!!!

  2. Michelle Murphy on Facebook Michelle Murphy on Facebook says:

    I have found that when I do go on vacation and notify the few AMCs I work with that I fall off their roster and I have to call them to remind them I’m back. Folks think being an appraiser is easy! It’s stressful and more complicated than people realize.

    • Phillip Case on Facebook Phillip Case on Facebook says:

      Michelle Murphy had that happen numerous times. One of them took 6 months to get on.

  3. Philip Gray on Facebook Philip Gray on Facebook says:

    You’re not forced to reply to them are you?

  4. Denise Wibberg Arnold on Facebook Denise Wibberg Arnold on Facebook says:

    This sounds more like an employer/employee relationship instead of a business relationship. Requiring 2 weeks notice? That’s ridiculous!

  5. Scott Taylor on Facebook Scott Taylor on Facebook says:

    why would anyone work for them?

    • Philip Gray on Facebook Philip Gray on Facebook says:

      Scott Taylor I get $600 for a plain Jane 1004 from Solidifi. I rarely get stips and they’re not stupid when I do get them. They pay within 30 days. I’ve never had a problem with this AMC.

      • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

        The problem Philip is as they are paying you $600 (perhaps rural area / low volume), they are paying the big city high cost of living area appraisers under $300 (significant volume). In a way, the AMCs steal from one group, to pay the other group. The feeling your having is called the Appraisers Coach Syndrome or ACS (pronounced ass). It means, as long as YOU get yours then the AMC system is perceived as being great, and if there’s a problem it must be the other guys fault. Another symptom includes being a paid or unpaid cheerleader to their cause. Feeling ill are Philip?

        Please people, I’m sure I’m missing some symptoms (let me know).

        Seek the truth.

        • Avatar CJK says:

          An appraiser friend was paid $300 for an appraisal by an AMC. The property owner told her that she was charged (credit card) $1400 for the appraisal. So, who is fooling who?

          Another AMC wanted to pay her $300, to appraise a rural property that had 2 manufactured homes on the same site. She passed, but someone else did it.

          My clients pay $900 for a 5 day rush, this is why I do not work for AMCs.

          • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

            In the big city, 5 days is a typical turn time, with 24 to 48 hours (FROM assignment) being considered a rush. Some times however, even our good clients have no idea what there doing. A good client of mine would not budge from their typical fee this morning, even though they disclosed to me at the time of assignment that the property is a true DOME home (pretty amazing to look at).

            Never be afraid to know what your doing (Bill Johnson 05/21/2019).

            Seek the truth.

        • Philip Gray on Facebook Philip Gray on Facebook says:

          Wow, what a massive d**k you are Bill Johnson. You don’t know me at all. Which is evident by your silly attack. Go f**k yourself.

          • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

            Wow, I guess another symptom of the ACS syndrome is violent verbal outbreaks. Do they have a pill for that? Philip, it’s very common for one appraiser to say, so & so company (perhaps an AMC) is great, when perhaps that same company is screwing over 8 out of 10 other appraisers. Philip, go get yours (that’s fine), but when it comes to AMCs most are not being treated as you described (Example $600 AMC fees / your split), and thus in part the reason for this post (vacation time request).

            If the current appraisal system is collapsing due in part to AMC involvement, be careful ignoring the realities of most, as perhaps that reality will become your own.

            Seek the truth.

      • Scott Taylor on Facebook Scott Taylor on Facebook says:

        Philip Gray now that makes sense then. Good to hear

  6. Avatar E J Brown says:

    That’s why there is A DELETE button

    • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

      I work in a single county (San Diego) E J with 900+ appraisers (all within 25 miles of me), and if 850 of us say no, there are still 50 appraisers that the AMCs will wait weeks for so they can collect the spread and avoid paying C&R fees, avoid reasonable due dates, and avoid appraisers with strong opinions. The relationship these companies seek, is a one way relationship, meaning its our way, or we will wait it out and delay assignment until a yes man becomes available. Welcome to the big city.

      Seek the truth.

      • Avatar E J Brown says:

        I can understand Bill. 20 yrs ago my wife & I moved out of Tampa, where I had lived for 47 yrs. We were fed up with it. Now living in rural SE GA I cover 4-5 counties and have never been more relaxed. If I can do 3-4 per week I’m livin like a king. I’m down to 2 AMC’s I work with, the rest are locals.

        • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

          Being in a very large military town E J, I’m blessed to do on average 7 to 12 VA assignments (took 17 years to get approved) a month ($600), and to still have good clients dating back 20+ years. Throw in some more recent direct lender work/relationships, and on an individual basis my results are not typical for my market. Even if I have it good, I understand that if 20, 40, 60, or 80% of the profession is struggling (say $300 AMC splits), then the industry will not survive, and thus I will go down with it.

          Call me the peoples champ or a d**k, but I like to support from the bottom up, versus the top down regardless of my individual results.

          Seek the truth.

        • Bobby Jones on Facebook Bobby Jones on Facebook says:

          That is what is wrong with the industry

          • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

            What is wrong Bobby with my statement? The fact that it took me 17 years of hard work to get approved with the VA? The fact that even with TRUE inflation I net less today compared to 20+ years ago? Please elaborate?

            Seek the truth.

  7. Avatar SB says:

    Independent Contractors are NOT employees

    AMC staff people typically do not understand this concept and will employ retaliatory measures when you make yourself unavailable during busy times.

    When I put myself on vacation last week. I was suspended by the AMC without notification. Another time my appraiser profile was breached and I was put on vacation for 33 years so that I would not receive any orders.

    Be sure to always monitor your appraiser profile for nefarious alterations.

    AMCs that have recently merged or on the verge of going out of business are the worst offenders.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Right before Coester published their national fee trends data many years ago, I observed that although all my other in web fees were still as I had set them, the FHA fee was suddenly $275. Somehow they over rode appraisers entered fees.

      Enter your own fee is codeword for who wants to show the most advocacy, because cost savings from reduced cost appraisal services will not be returned to the borrowing consumer but rather will be held as a variable economic incentive to be the preferred assignee, contrary to the appraisers management rule and fair billing principals. When you discount and the consumer does not save, you have provided a thing of value in a pay to play environment.

      If management companies don’t know what a fair fee is by now, and can not present a fair fee up front in a direct assignment scenario, respectable appraisers simply can’t help them. If you’re an appraiser and are still playing those bidding games, you’re part of the problem not the solution.

  8. Avatar Mark Skapinetz. says:

    To be honest…. Things like this are a waste of time. Why spend our mental time on vacations etc vs really what matters and what can help the profession. Hybrids, Fees, state issues, national issues are way more important than vacation status. IMHO. AMCS hacking emails, developing products and not being regulated are topics that are more important. The 1004P. Desktops etc. more important. Vacation??? Come on now. Go on vacation and just ignore it all. It’s your vacation. I go one vacation and accept orders. I call and schedule for when I’m back. Get with the real issues and put your attention to that.

  9. Avatar Bill Johnson says:

    I think the real lie in this post is the fact that most appraisers TAKE VACATIONS, I mean real vacations where your not monitoring emails, not taking phone calls, not working to set up appointments for when you get back, etc. I would bet, most appraisers (meaning 50+%) have not had a true vacation in over a decade. Lie to yourself if you want to, but it’s true for most of us.

    Seek the truth.

  10. Chad Blackley on Facebook Chad Blackley on Facebook says:

    Been on their approved vendor list for a decade, zero orders thus far. I hear from them once a year when they want updated E&O and licenses.

  11. Kathy Hubbard Bright on Facebook Kathy Hubbard Bright on Facebook says:

    I told one company that harassed me constantly that I’d had enough of their shit. Guess what? They don’t bother me anymore. LMAO

    • Avatar E J Brown says:

      We’re on the same page. No more updating license or E&O for all the a-holes I never hear from anyway.

  12. David Samnick on Facebook David Samnick on Facebook says:

    Since we can’t unify and fight the AMC’s have divided us and led us to the slaughter. We created this mess and only contribute to the demise of our profession. Let’s face it, all Appraisers are too chicken shit to unionize to SAVE our profession. The NAR can fight but we can’t. The 1004P will end us. Fannie Mae hates runners so now they created a form JUST for runners. It’s sad and comical.

    • Bobby Jones on Facebook Bobby Jones on Facebook says:

      David Samnick my thoughts exactly…1004p will put most of us out of business. This is shit… what do we all plan on doing. I do not have a back up plan..

      • David Samnick on Facebook David Samnick on Facebook says:

        Bobby Jones I’m going on yr 20 in this profession. I attempted to diversify with Matterport 3D virtual tours and RE photography but have not had much success as of yet. I have no idea what I could do that would equal the money I currently make. It’s angering, frustrating and sickening.

  13. Baggins Baggins says:

    They sold it, appraisers continue to buy it. Appraisers should not be surprised when abusive practices continue. When accepting orders from amc’s, you are the customer, and the employee, at the same time.

  14. Avatar Rick Daniel says:

    Appraisers are eminently qualified to flip houses. Use your knowledge to increase your income.

  15. Avatar Wayne Courtney says:

    OH, Gee….AMCs tell licensed and certified appraiser how to sing and dance! The AMC has become the BMFIC of the appraisal industry. What would happen if the average, typical day to day appraiser told them to bite a fat hog in the ass? I mean…those of us that are appraisers choose to work in another part of the appraisal industry? They would SCREAM, THEY WOULD HOLLOW while they headed to the bankrupt fields of this business. Honestly…there IS NO WAY IN HELL that they can survive without your typical appraiser hitting his knees. YOU are pimping them to success….If you stop…they crash! Just a fact!


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by Jonathan Miller time to read: 1 min