Crack in the Foundation?

Crack in the Foundation? Deep Dive Into the Appraisal Regulatory SystemPhil Crawford with Voice of Appraisal has a great new podcast! Phil interviews author Jeremy Bagott about his eye-opening book titled “Dispatches from the Cosmic Cobra Breeding Farm!

The book breaks down The Appraisal Foundation and provides a rare “behind the scenes” glimpse into the world of appraisal regulation! The author did his homework and takes a deep dive into the appraisal regulatory system structure. The book outlines the shape of “Incorporation by Reference” into regulation and how it disproportionately harms small businesses.

The Appraisal Foundation held the “Golden Ticket” for the past 30 years… Who will be next?

Enjoy the show!

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1 Response

  1. Baggins Baggins says:

    So the whole thing is an illusion designed to create the appearance of responsible regulation? The hits keep on coming. This is why I take the online classes. Heavy on minutia, light on substance. Dial that in from the couch.


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Crack in the Foundation?

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: <1 min