a la mode’s UAD solution to the GSE’s Uniform Appraisal Dataset
Required as of September 1, 2011, the Uniform Appraisal Dataset or UAD changes how appraisers fill out the URAR and 2055.
a la mode UAD solution let the appraiser fill out the form as easily and quickly as possible. There are no pop up windows with okay or cancel buttons. Clicking into a field simply expands part of the form if necessary where appraisers can check any boxes, select any appropriate pull downs, and fill out any additional comments. Tabbing or clicking out of the field will automatically combine the appraiser’s answer in the exact format that the GSEs need. So there is no need for the appraiser to remember the abbreviations and syntax required to be compliant.
Aditionally, clicking into any UAD fields, will give you a brief reminder of that field’s requirements in the status bar. Real time validation is given for free form UAD fields, giving immedidate feedback when using a non compliant term or abbreviation. For example, if you use a two year date in the tax year field, the field border turns red.
Watch the video below for a quick demonstration:
More info at a la mode labs

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