New Editor at Working RE Magazine

New Editor at Working RE MagazineNov. 6, 2015 – San Diego, Calif. – Working RE Magazine for real estate appraisers announces that Isaac Peck is taking over as Editor from the publication’s founder, David Brauner. Brauner will remain as the magazine’s Publisher.

Brauner said,

To say Isaac does a great job is an understatement. He has managed to absorb in short order everything it took me 20 years to learn, and on occasion, even teaches me a thing or two along the way. I’m thrilled to have new energy and a new perspective.”

Peck holds a master’s degree in Accounting from San Diego State University, and has a strong background in marketing, business development, and journalism.

I’m incredibly honored to serve as Editor of Working RE and I am excited to continue delivering honest and fair news to real estate appraisers,”

says Peck.

The appraisal industry is at a key turning point with new technology, new regulations, and new market forces driving profound changes within the profession. I’m excited to continue covering these important issues with the enthusiasm and integrity that the magazine is known for.”

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2 Responses

  1. Avatar Diana Nytko says:

    Congratulations Isaac, keep up the good work. Diana Nytko. CT.Property Appraisers.

  2. On behalf of the American Guild of Appraisers, OPEIU/AFL-CIO I also want to add our congratulations to Isaac; as well as to thank David for so many years of publishing issues of concern to appraisers. Thank you for also giving appraisers a place & voice to post responses to the issues raised. Best of luck and keep up the great work!


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New Editor at Working RE Magazine

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min