ASC Letter RE Launch of the Hotline

ASC letter RE Launch of the appraisal complaint national hotline

ASC Letter to State Appraiser Regulatory Officials Announcing the Launch of the Appraisal Complaint National Hotline

To State Appraiser Regulatory Officials

The Appraisal Complaint National Hotline (Hotline) will begin operation no later than March 29, 2013. The Hotline will refer complainants to appropriate State and/or Federal agencies to handle complaints of alleged violations of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and/or appraisal independence requirements. The Hotline will direct complainants to contact you to formally file their complaint using the existing protocols established by your State. The Hotline does not initiate complaints, act on behalf of complainants, arbitrate complaints, assist in appealing the outcome of complaints, or follow up on complaint referrals previously provided.

The Hotline includes:

  • Website
    The website provides referral information to complainants based on responses to a series of questions and drop-down menu selections. The complainant is provided with agency contact information for filing of a complaint. The website also offers tools and resources to enable complainants to determine the nature of their complaint, as well as other helpful information.
  • Call Center with toll-free number
    The call center representative provides referral information to complainants as presented on the website and will be available 9 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday (except government holidays) to respond to calls.
  • Email
    A complainant may send an email to the ASC to request assistance. The Hotline website provides a link to send the email and instructions on the information to include and not to include in the email back to the ASC.

The Hotline will be rolled out in a phased approach. Phase 1 will consist of the initial operation of the Hotline. After the first six months of operation (Phase 1), the ASC will review the Hotline during Phase 2 to determine performance levels and whether adjustments need to be made. Phase 3 will implement any adjustments that were determined to be needed during Phase 2. We look forward to receiving input from stakeholders based on their experience with the Hotline.

If you have any questions, please contact Jim Park, Executive Director (jim AT asc DOT gov).

Jim Park, Executive Directory

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1 Response

  1. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    When do they launch the AMC complaint hotline? Answer: WHFO


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ASC Letter RE Launch of the Hotline

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min