Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) Survey

The Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) has distributed an online survey to licensed and certified real estate appraisal professionals as part of a practice analysis. The deadline to complete the survey is March 26, 2014

The purpose of the practice analysis is to identify tasks and competencies reflective of the real estate appraiser job role in order to update the examination content outlines for the AQB National Uniform Licensure and Certification examinations.

The link to the survey is:

Participation is essential to the success of the practice analysis. This is a fantastic way for licensed and certified appraisers to give back to the profession and make sure their perspective is counted in the development of a comprehensive and representative reflection of the job role.

In appreciation of participant’s contribution, we will be raffling off $50 gift cards to ten randomly-selected respondents who complete the survey.

Please direct all inquiries about this survey to aqbsi…

Thank you very much!


Wayne R. Miller
Chair, Appraiser Qualifications Board

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2 Responses

  1. Avatar Deb G. says:

    The link above doesn’t work. Please re-post, thanks. “We can’t find the page you requested. If you are trying to access a survey, please contact the survey administrator. The URL may have been changed or the survey may no longer exist.”


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Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) Survey

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min