Appraisal Institute Launches Opinions of Value Blog

The Appraisal Institute launched its new blog, Opinions of Value, on November 14. Content will feature the appraiser perspective on legislative and regulatory issues, enhanced discussion about recent industry media coverage and thoughts from AI leaders about upcoming trends.

While a great deal of content exists in the blogosphere, the Appraisal Institute is uniquely qualified to provide expert analysis on all appraisal-related topics because the organization is the nation’s oldest and largest professional association of real estate appraisers with more than 24,000 members in 60 countries.

The Appraisal Institute plans to post blogs on a weekly basis and invites members, non-members, fellow industry professionals and consumers to comment and also connect with AI on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

The blog, like the Appraisal Institute’s print and online news sources, was created to serve AI members and the valuation and real estate industries at large. The Appraisal Institute continued goal is to communicate via the channels and methods that are part of its members’ and others’ daily lives. Time is valuable and information is critical, and Opinions of Value will use those concepts as a guide for future interactions.

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1 Response

  1. Avatar Ali Diedricks says:

    Thanks for the info! I’ll check it out.


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Appraisal Institute Launches Opinions of Value Blog

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min