Real Corruption in AI National Leadership
Here’s a reminder to all members of the Appraisal Institute that there is real corruption in national leadership: The proposed changes to the AI Bylaws will not allow people nominated to executive positions to provide any outside recommendations for the second vice president position. If they are submitted, they will be discarded. Why? It’s absurd and can only be explained by the stranglehold Jim Amorin and his posse have on AI executive leadership. This was clearly done to keep honest appraisers like Craig Steinley from doing what he did and submit an overwhelming number of letters of recommendations from leaders in other organizations. Doesn’t AI want to have relationships with other professional trade groups? Why would a recommendation from a non-AI executive be banned? If you’re an FOJ focused on controlling who gets to be an executive to keep the self-dealing financial party going, then that’s why.
This sham bylaw modification is being done because Jim Amorin wants to make sure the next second vice president is of the same political loyalty to him as Jim Tankersly shamefully showed in the recent application of the sham petition process.
Jim Amorin and the rest of his loyal followers are being relentless in shutting out the best the Appraisal Institute has to offer and stick with the current corruption composition of national leadership. I thought Jeff Sherman brought new honesty into the organization but I now realize I was wrong.
At one point when does someone whistleblow to the U.S. Attorneys Office, Northern District of Illinois to have them investigate this institutional takeover. My goodness. If this isn’t corruption, then I don’t know what is.
Just read what’s happening in Region X! They are furious with the corruption in the sham election process initiated in Chicago. My goodness.
Corruption is everywhere within the organization on the national level.
Oh, and Merry Christmas to all.

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This is hilarious, since 1) the author is not a member of said organization and pretends to know the precise motivations of leadership and actions (and why would he care, not his organization) and 2) is part of a group of fringe appraisers that regularly exclude people who are not politically loyal to them. If you are not a “Friend of Jennifer” (FOJ) on other fringe forums this author is a leader at, she will ban you from the “Appraisal Institute Designated Members” discussion groups. What happens if you profess a non-liberal/non-AI-hating viewpoint on the “100% Appraisers” forum, Jonathan? Oh, right, you get banned for lack of political loyalty. More than the pot calling the kettle black here. It’s not your organization, go back in your hole or start your own organization if your ideas are better. Regular working appraisers are sick of the elitist “we’re the leaders of the industry” snark going back and forth. You’re all full of crap.
To Joe Common,
1. It is well known that AI National leadership is a joke…..ask the local chapters, they have for a long time been at odds with national leadership.
2. The leadership is full of idiots who can’t appraise their way out of a wet paper bag.
3. The industry needs revamping, education shouldn’t be only through AI, it should be feathered in with universities and colleges. Why our industry is not as professional as other professional designations is beyond me.
4. Regarding your non-liberal comment, many if not most in the profession are center if not center right. National leadership promoting that appraisers are racist…well I haven’t seen that catch on in our pool of appraisers
5. Jonathan is trying to do something for the industry. If you’re really that indignant, you should join or start something yourself. Lead by example, not as a keyboard warrior.
1). I am not a member of the Appraisal Institute.2). I never aspired to be a member of the Appraisal Institute. 3). I could care less about the Appraisal Institute. 4). MAI, SRA designations have never impressed me. 5). It is possible that the Appraisal Institute is little more than a money grabbing group of people that believe they are head and shoulders better than all of the appraisers that are not members. 6). I may be right and I may be wrong but at least I have an opinion.
I think AI has really ceded ground and if they don’t get their shit together, counselors of real estate (the hell is that) and CCIM will try and fill the place that they have vacated. Neither of those groups really fill the role that AI should.
I was trained by an old school guy and from what I’ve seen, they were too busy making money, providing for their families to get involved in the politics of AI. It’s really disappointing.
All the while you have brokers running around like carnival barkers when they couldn’t figure out the zoning of a property if you gave them a map. The industry is just chock full of people pounding their chests. Lots of voices with no one really having anything substantive to say.
Scott, you are right on. Some of the worst and dishonest appraisals I have reviewed over my 50 years in the business have been done by MAI and SRA designated appraisers.
Honestly, when was the last time someone called and said “I need an MAI to do this appraisal”? 30 years ago just about every week. Now it’s about once every 5 years from someone who has been living in a cave.
It happens to me plenty. It is written in on the majority of lease agreements and partnership agreements when a value can’t be agreed on. The letters are in there “MAI”. It is legally binding.
Yes you are right that you will see these valuation clauses in lease agreements, purchase options, etc. that specify an MAI. I have encountered them several times over the years and in every one I was given the same answer. Boiler plate. Please ignore. Then I get an email confirming me to proceed by all parties and I do with no issues. So legally binding!?, only if the parties that entered into the agreement (which was often 10 to 20 years ago) still wish it to be done by an MAI. Most recently this happened with a partnership agreement and the response was: Refresh my memory, what is an MAI?
The bottom line is that for the boots on the ground appraiser, it’s pay to play. ASC, extensive Con-ed, Overpriced App and database vendors, AMC fees and mismanagement, mandatory inclusion, and payments to NAR, State, and Local dues.
Is that also a downward trend nationally?
Jones, looks like they landed the USPS contract.
No mention of the Biden teams proposed abolishment of the 1031 exchange program. A virtue signal in favor of more race based and color coded policy changes.
It’s the earnings chart which is why it’s not worth it for regular lower level run of the mill appraisers. Same old same old.