The Appraisal Foundation to Host First Business Valuation Roundtable

Regulators, auditors, standard setters an others have expressed concern over the consistency in standards, education and qualifications, and oversight in the Business Valuation profession.

In response to such comments, The Appraisal Foundation is hosting its first public roundtable discussion to obtain insight on the state of the business valuation profession, particularly as it relates to Financial Reporting. The program, titled, The Business Valuation Profession as it Relates to Financial Reporting: Where are we Headed? will be held on Monday, April 23, 2012 from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm at the Madison in Washington, DC.

For  more  information  on  this  event,  please  contact  Paula  Douglas  Seidel  (paula @; 202.624.3048).  Registration information for the roundtable event is forthcoming.

~ Source The Appraisal Foundation
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The Appraisal Foundation to Host First Business Valuation Roundtable

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: <1 min